Last week, Colorado Governor Polis joined the ranks of many state governors and issued a mask mandate. Colorado’s mandate requires all individuals 11 years of age and older to wear face coverings when in indoor public spaces. (See Mask Order; CDPHE Guidance) While there are exceptions, they are limited, and they as a general matter do not take into account indoor settings where more than one person is present but it is highly unlikely for individuals to be near one another at any given time, such as very large indoor spaces used by few people at a time. As a result, some businesses may be surprised to find that in their particular setting, they must now require clients and customers to wear a mask inside the facility, despite the fact that their activities arguably by their very nature practice social distancing. Businesses should take care to evaluate the mask order as well as the current applicable state Public Health Order and applicable local health orders to ensure compliance.
Note: Laws change and individual circumstances vary and change, especially in this time of COVID-19! If you are in need of legal assistance, seek legal counsel. This post is not intended and should not be relied on as legal advice for your particular circumstance, and it relies on information that can quickly become out of date. Contact Margrit with any questions, margrit@lentparkerlaw.com, 303-481-2866. And visit here for links to more COVID-19 resources.